About Jessica

“With each conscious breath, we reclaim sovereignty over our frequency.”

Upon discovering the breath, the trajectory of being a full-time elementary school teacher until retirement took a full 180, to becoming a multidimensional wellness guide remembering and reclaiming her divine gifts that began coming more and more clear with the commitment to keep choosing the breath, keep choosing love, keep choosing healing & integrating and keep choosing Spirit as a consistent guide towards universal truth...

Since the first introduction to Conscious Connected Breathwork in 2019, it has been a commitment to access altered states of consciousness to heal the deepest wound imprinted on me that I inherited ancestrally that was causing dis-ease in my body, mind, heart & soul I had been carrying unconsciously and impacting every relationship I entered into- including the relationship to Self...

Through the healing I have experienced from receiving immense clarity from the consistent process of feeling, releasing, forgiving and letting go, the dis-ease has subsided, heart walls dissolved, relationships have strengthened- including the one to Self and I am no longer a victim of a story but rather a conscious creator of this colourful human experience I am here to breathe more love into...

By weaving together various trainings and experiences in Yoga through Blissology, Yoga Outreach and Rainbow Kids Yoga, Breathwork through Numa Somatics and Reiki Healing with HeavenLee Messenger, this passion for growth & expansion has guided me towards unlocking gifts around how to bring community together to support one another’s healing & creating the New Earth one conscious loving breath at a time...

Breath Alchemist
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